
Children’s Ministry

We believe that parents, not churches, have the primary responsibility for the spiritual nurture of their children. We want to partner with you in your God-given responsibility to raise your children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord (Eph. 6:4). We believe that God chose you to teach your children, to train them, to impart biblical values to them, to discipline them, and to help them become the man or woman He has called them...

Praise Team Ministry

We desire to lead the congregation into deeper worship, bringing God's people to His throne through musical excellence, creativity, and passion.

IMPACT Men’s Ministry

We bring men into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ by uniting them in fellowship, Bible study, prayer, ministry, and accountability.

YBLAZE Youth/Young Adult Ministry

Rehoboth Bible Fellowship sees its Youth/Young Adult Ministry as a safe and fun place where children, middle, high school students, and young adults can come and grow in Christian faith and understanding.

Usher/Greeters Ministry

Ushers and Greeters are the first people visitors and members encounter when coming to our church.

GLOW Women’s Ministry

The Women's Ministry at Rehoboth is for all women - no matter your age, background or life stage. We want to meet ladies right where they are and come alongside them - encouraging, supporting, praying and equipping them in their journey with God.